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By 17th of November 20142015, The Teams
wow science

On the 13th of November, BIRSt took its first outing to London with the new team.

What followed was an incredibly informative trip, so here are the top 10 things we learnt from our trip to London.

Let’s call it ‘primary research’….


1. The Marconi ribbon microphone was used in the BBC for 25 years

2. Cubase used to come on floppy disks

3. The literal Chinese translation of ‘flirting’ is ‘philandering’

4. Radio stuff used to be ‘well big’.

5. BIRSt.co.uk is ACTUALLY IN THE SCIENCE MUSEUM – mentioned in Sean Street’s book!

6. The Samaritans receive over 5 million calls per year – th

7.  Hertz was the original hipster

8. Ollie does not know the difference between ice-skating and skiing

9. The limited edition peanut Yorkie has no discernible worth

10. Michael can in no way use chopsticks


If you’ve been to the exhibition and want to share your thoughts – what did you learn? birst@bournemouth.ac.uk or tweet @birstradio