In a time of great unrest. A misguided faction of brazen wannabes gather together. Their goal: comedy. Their qualifications: non-existent. They have: an incredible amount of …time on their hands. They are: without conscience or taste.
They are, The Unprofessionals.
Written by Doctor Craig Batty, Charlie Boddington, Joe Devine, Peter Fellows, Arron Ferguson, Michelle Goode, Lee McIntyre, Andrea Miller, Scott Payne, Sophie Rose Petzal, Matthew Reynolds and David Ruddock.
Performed by Darren Britton, Jonny Borrows, Caitlin Evans, Arron Ferguson, Henry Fosdike, Sophie Petzal, Sean Pogmore & David Ruddock. Producer: Andrea Miller. Assistant Producer: Mog McIntyre. Creator & Head Writer: Scott Payne.
For further information visit The Unprofessionals