On the first Wednesday of the month poets’ across Bournemouth come out of hiding, gather their wits and take to the stage to showcase their work to an eager audience at The Winchester Public House. Since June of 2010 Poet and Teacher Bob Hill has become a regular participator of The Freeway Poets. Here Bob talks about how he first came to be involved with the Freeways’, Political inspirations and the use of HipHop in his teaching techniques. Includes live readings from the Winchester readings taken on February 2nd 2011.
Hi Hannah,
I really like how this came out; some very tight editing and really sums up my attitude to both poetry and free speech.
Actually Bob , I think you could be cult star in indie/alt land circles and you do remind me of Atilla the Stockbroker whom I used to follow even with the far-left ranting and belligerence.!!