You could be running BIRSt next year!
The MA in Radio Production is currently recruiting for its next cohort. The course, which has the support of prominent production houses within the Radio industry runs the Bournemouth Internet Radio Station (BIRSt) as part of its assessment programme.
The MA Radio Production runs over a year, from October to September, and is taught by Radio professionals under the direction of Professor Sean Street, an active programme maker in his own right and Britain’s first Professor of Radio. Previous students are currently working in a wide range of Radio jobs, and Bournemouth Media School’s international reputation for innovation and pioneering technologies ensures that students are equipped to enter this fast-changing profession with a highly relevant training.
We make primarily Speech Radio, but your year by the sea in Bournemouth includes all aspects of Radio broadcasting including music Radio, scheduling, branding, presentation and writing for Radio.
If you would like to know more, we will happily send you information.
Please contact us, or visit the website for full details and an application form.
The Programme Administrator Bournemouth Media School Bournemouth University Talbot Campus Fern Barrow Poole Dorset BH12 5BB UK |
Telephone: +44 (0)1202 965745
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