In this episode we meet Betty, Valerie, Richard and Pat who all participated in the Mementoes Reminiscence Project.
Mementos was a 20-week project run by Borough of Poole Arts Service in conjunction with Prama – a Poole based charity that supports older people and vulnerable adults to live independently.
Mementos brought together a professional textile artists and volunteers with dementia and their close family members (or carers). The artists led reminiscence, conversation and creative workshops sessions, supporting participants to each create a personal piece of textile-based artwork. A key element of the project was the opportunity for carers to work with, and alongside, the people they care for – a chance to enjoy each others company, learn new skills, reminisce and to create new memories together.
Participants spent time together over 16 weeks: gathering information, photographs, texts, fabric, memories and personal items to illustrate their lives, skills, hobbies, interests and personal stories.
The final pieces of artworks are each personal mementos, holding meaning and relevance to participants. They are highly textural and visual and provide their creators with a means of promoting conversation, reminiscence and relaxation for years to come.
Produced and Presented by Vicky O’Connell
With thanks to contributors: Betty Scott, Valerie Williams and Richard and Pat Mockeridge.