Kat started working in radio while studying for her B.A (Hons) in English and French at the University of Manchester. After graduating and heading home to London, Kat became involved in two hospital radio stations, where she worked not only as a producer, but also as a presenter and a researcher for a variety of programmes. During this time Kat also did some work experience at Virgin Radio; her enthusiastic approach meant that she was allowed to handle CDs in the music library and learn the intricacies of putting together a specialist music show, along with some invaluable tea-making skills.In between her radio experience, Kat has lived on-and-off in Paris, working as an English Assistant in a French school and part-time for an English magazine. Kat’s passion for French culture and language, together with her interest in people and their lives, inspires her work. At the moment, Kat is taking great pleasure in experimenting with feature-making, documentaries and drama.