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The Unprofessionals – Episode 2

By 21st of May 20102010, Comedy

In a time of great unrest. A misguided faction of brazen wannabes gather together. Their goal: comedy. Their qualifications: non-existent. They want: Pluto reinstated as a planet. They are: without conscience or taste.

They are, The Unprofessionals.

Written by Charlie Boddington, Darren Britton, Chris Constentino, Joe Devine, Arron Ferguson, Andrea Miller, Scott Payne & Sophie Rose Petzal. Performed by Darren Britton, Jonny Borrows,  Caitlin Evans, Arron Ferguson, Henry Fosdike, Sophie Petzal, Sean Pogmore & David Ruddock. Producer: Andrea Miller. Assistant Producer: Mog McIntyre. Creator & Head Writer: Scott Payne.

For further information visit The Unprofessionals

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